Our authors and clients are Admirals, Generals, other high-ranking military, CEOs and Senior Executives (including former CEOs, Chairmen, and SVPs of multibillion-dollar NYSE companies), retired members of Congress, and the United States Intelligence Community, Foreign Policy & Defense Industry Professionals, Government / Intelligence & Security Agency Professionals, University Professors, Scientists, Doctors, Surgeons, Attorneys, Entrepreneurs, and Business Professionals. Several clients have appeared on PBS NewsHour, 60 Minutes, and other TV and radio shows nationally and in their local markets.

Fifteen of our titles written by Flag & General Officers of the United States Armed Forces

Adducent is a creative firm that provides writing, ghostwriting, writing improvement, story & book development, and publishing services. We assist people and organizations with their writing and publication needs.

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What we’ve done and what we do for clients.

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