Home Publishing


What We Offer Our Clients/Authors:

  • More control.
  • A quicker path to publication (and market).
  • Publishing assistance clients/authors retain ALL rights to their work.
  • Interior design and layout (creating the print-quality ‘bookblock’ for production).
  • Cover design and layout (creating the print-quality paperback cover or dust-jacketed hardback production file).
  • Production capability without the necessity for capital investment in large print runs or warehousing and logistic costs.
  • Publication of books (under one of our nonfiction or fiction imprints) of comparable/equal quality to any traditional publisher.
  • Direct sales fulfillment of volume wholesale orders to organizations.
  • Sales and Royalty Quarterly Reporting (with royalties paid monthly).
  • Sales channel availability to booksellers worldwide and fulfillment of retail orders through our distributor, Ingram.
  • If you want to self-publish, we can provide support services, including editing, bookblock creation, cover design and layout, production file creation for Amazon KDP, IngramSpark (or other self-publishing platforms), eBook creation, and title setup support.

Here’s a link to an excellent article we recommend reading: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know: Hybrid Publishing

A Brief Explanation of What We Do as a Hybrid Publisher

Traditional publishers often overlook or dismiss many books that merit attention… that deserve to be published. And that is understandable because of the economics of their business model.

Unlike most traditional publishers, we do not limit our interests to only those books written by famous, proven bestselling authors, celebrities, or hot-fad titles, hot-buzz debuts with a large, established audience and market. We have titles and authors that sell well commercially and others that fulfill our author and client’s personal, professional, or business objectives that sell in lesser retail volume. We also have titles that sell very well to organizations (that would qualify them as ‘bestsellers’ on the bestseller lists). So, a book does not need to fall into a ‘guaranteed’ bestseller category before we consider it for publication. We have the capabilities of any traditional publisher to bring stories from the manuscript stage to a finished reality as a book (produced in all formats).


For clients, we can also take a project from an idea and concept to a fully developed, professionally written, and published book.

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What we’ve done and what we do for clients.

Each prospective author/client’s work requires our manuscript review and approval.

We don’t accept all stories and manuscripts.


Unless it is requested by Dennis Lowery, do not send us your manuscript.

Unsolicited manuscripts will be discarded unread.


Because of our business model (with Print On Demand and Distribution capabilities), we can take on the types of titles many publishers won’t consider. That does not mean we’ll publish any book. There are quality and content standards we use to select who we work with and what projects we undertake.

That being said, we also have the capability of traditional publishers and can print titles in large quantities, warehouse them, and distribute them. Printing in large quantities does drive the production cost per copy down but is only feasible for proven–high-volume–consistent demand for the title(s).

We can also create and produce custom or special editions with enhancements such as cover/dust-jacket embossing, illustrated interior endsheets for hardbacks, and other artistic elements.

Ingram is our distributor, and our production and fulfillment services provider is also used by publishers and presses such as:

  • John Wiley & Sons
  • Hachette Book Group
  • McGraw-Hill
  • Simon & Schuster
  • Macmillan
  • University of California Press
  • W.W. Norton
  • University of Nebraska Press
  • Public Affairs
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Thomas Nelson
  • Penguin Putnam
  • Holtzbrinck

Our commercial (retail) titles are distributed in

  • North America
  • United Kingdom
  • Western Europe
  • The Middle East
  • South America
  • Australia
  • China
  • India
  • Italy

And global reach is expanding to other regions.

Our titles now reach 50% of the world's population.
Image courtesy Ingram Content Group

Important Note:

Before entering a publishing services agreement, we’ll assess the manuscript for what editing or work might be required to make it acceptable for publication. Our author clients can retain a professional editor of their choice to edit their manuscript before submission to us, or we can provide a full suite of editing services (including rewriting and developmental editing of drafts) to make their manuscript acceptable to present for publication consideration.

Want to schedule a call appointment to discuss our publishing services?