Our authors and clients are Admirals, Generals, other high-ranking military, CEOs and Senior Executives (including former CEOs, Chairmen, and SVPs of multibillion-dollar NYSE companies), retired members of Congress, and the United States Intelligence Community, Foreign Policy & Defense Industry Professionals, Government / Intelligence & Security Agency Professionals, University Professors, Scientists, Doctors, Surgeons, Attorneys, Entrepreneurs, and Business Professionals. Several clients have appeared on PBS NewsHour, 60 Minutes, and other TV and radio shows nationally and in their local markets.

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ABOUT The Quondam Series

“Character-driven and atmospheric adult fiction that blends history and legend with the tension and intricacies of contemporary society and events. Compelling and complex characters. Thoughtful, evocative, and page-turning; a story that promises to be well-told.”

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ABOUT The Wychaven Covenant [Fiction Series]

The discovery of long lost forgotten objects of power create a wave of occult events that trigger a rebirth of magic in some of the descendants of once-powerful Witch-Warlock families. And their war begins… again. It all starts over Audrey, the bi-racial girl with tainted blood… who doesn’t know she could become the most powerful of them all.

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The Siren’s Sonata | Draft Opening–Crime–Scene [Fiction]

The dead woman’s head rested on sheet music and a keyboard. Someone had arranged her long hair and swept it back from her face. The flower over her left ear… maybe was already there. The open eyes were sea green. When she was alive, they had depth and probably changed shade with shifting sunlight. Now, they were shallows, as still as shoal water over coastal muck. Her face… smooth, unlined. Not a hint of a life lived badly… but one that seemed hardly lived at all. “She wanted to sin, but she was too shy.”

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