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‘What Now, Lieutenant?’ added to US Marine Corps Commandant’s Professional Reading List

What Now Lieutenant has been added to the US Marine Corps Commandant’s Professional Reading List!

Working with Butch Neal was one of the high points of my work with other veterans. He and I became friends, and sadly he passed suddenly in June 2022. I still miss talking with him. A fine man whose book continues to tell his story. —Dennis Lowery

“I read What Now, Lieutenant? early one afternoon and became so engrossed I turned the last page only a few hours later. Knowing of the author’s remarkable and heroic career, I’ll admit opening the book with some trepidation, because I’ve learned from experience that, unfortunately, a writer’s grand intentions do not always translate to good writing. I’m happy to report that this compelling book is the wonderful exception. A page-turner for sure, it is candid and inspiring. The author’s generosity, kindness, humility… his love imbues every page. Well done, Marine.” —Walter Anderson, former Editor of Parade

What Now Lieutenant has been added to the US Marine Corps Commandant's Professional Reading List
(under our Fortis nonfiction imprint)

FORTUNE FAVORS BOLDNESS (paperback version released)


“Whether or not you are interested in our military, U.S. history or just plain life lessons, this factual, detailed and intense book of what transpired after 9-11 should be on your list to read. It will also serve as an amazing tool for anyone in a leadership or teaching role… or if you just need some simple guidance in your daily life. Vice Admiral Costello is outstanding in his attention to detail with not only a very personal look from his perspective but from dozens and dozens of others – and recreating those very important moments in our history. It is awe inspiring, it will bring tears to your eyes, but also smiles to your face and your heart will swell with appreciation and gratitude and pride for all the men and women serving our country – people like Petty Officer 3rd Class Chad Runge whose letter is printed on page 145/147. Yes, it’s a must read for everyone including those who may be thinking of serving our country… and maybe more importantly for those who don’t think it’s their duty.”

–Amazon review

See details about the book here.