Actor/Narrator Comment on CRY FOR JERUSALEM Book 3

great way to start the morning is to receive an email containing this quote from Simon de Deney, who has done a fantastic job narrating the audiobook version of this series. “Wow. It’s such a beautifully structured piece of writing. It has that quality of surprising you while feeling inevitable.” I reached out to connect with Simon on LinkedIn and got this back: “And I ought to thank you as the series is one of the highlights of each year for me.”

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Thou Shalt Not… Thou Shall… [Fiction]

I had a note in my story-idea book for some time about a revenge killing at the height of a hurricane. It seemed a perfect way to cover up a crime. One hurricane-season morning, while enjoying my coffee and watching hurricane news (I live in Florida), I toyed with the thread of a few lines for that story as the caffeine kicked in. As I scanned my images folder, I came across one (a text image) that gave me the title and the core of the story’s protagonist. It fleshed out my premise… you can push a person too far, and then the 6th commandment (or other laws) may not keep them from doing what they must to survive. And what better time to do something so drastic than when you stand a good chance of getting away with it.

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