We’re honored and excited to get this news! FORTUNE FAVORS BOLDNESS is our second title to make a service chief’s professional reading list. WHAT NOW, LIEUTENANT? by General Richard ‘Butch’ Neal (Ret.), is on the USMC Commandant’s list.
(NAVY.MIL 23 FEB 21) … Chief of Naval Operations
WASHINGTON – Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Mike Gilday released an update to the CNO Professional Reading Program, February 23.
Fortune Fortunes Boldness documents the incredible professionalism of the Sailors and Marines who operated in harm’s way in the dangerous waters of the Northern Arabian Gulf, on the ground in Iraq, and in the air over the country in 2003. It tells a story of epic events and bravery from the perspective of retired Vice Admiral Barry Costello, the commander of this force.