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USE THESE 10 STEPS To Write Your Memoir Faster


Writing a memoir can be a profoundly personal and time-consuming process. Still, there are several strategies to write it more efficiently. Here are some ways to help you write your memoir faster.

  1. Set a Schedule: Establish a regular writing schedule that works for you. Dedicate specific hours or days each week to focus solely on your memoir. Consistency is key to making steady progress.
  2. Outline Your Story: Before you write, create a detailed outline of your memoir. List your thoughts, events, and critical moments (organize them later in chronological order). This roadmap will help you stay on track and reduce writer’s block.
  3. Prioritize Key Stories: Not every moment in your life needs to be included in your memoir. Concentrate on the most significant and impactful events that shaped you or your story. This will help streamline your narrative.
  4. Write in Chunks: Don’t aim for perfection in your first draft. Write freely and quickly, focusing on getting your thoughts on paper. You can always revise and refine it later. Writing in chunks or sections can make the process more manageable.
  5. Use Writing Prompts: If you ever feel stuck or unsure where to start, use writing prompts related to your life experiences. These prompts can trigger memories and emotions that contribute to your memoir.
  6. Eliminate Distractions: Find a quiet and comfortable writing space free from distractions. Turn off your phone, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and create an environment where you can concentrate.
  7. Seek Feedback Sparingly: While it’s essential to get feedback, especially during the editing phase, avoid sharing your work with others too early. Sharing prematurely can lead to self-doubt and slow down your progress.
  8. Stay True to Your Voice: Write authentically in your own voice. Don’t mimic someone else’s writing style or narrative. Readers connect with memoirs that are genuine and unique.
  9. Set Realistic Goals: Break down your writing goals into manageable tasks. Set daily or weekly word count goals. Celebrate your achievements along the way.
  10. Edit Later: Don’t get bogged down with editing while you’re writing your first draft. Focus on getting your story down on paper first. Editing can be time-consuming, so save it for a later stage.

Expect to encounter challenges along the way. Stay patient, persevere, and remember why you want to share your story in the first place. Implement these strategies and maintain a disciplined approach to write your memoir more efficiently and bring your unique story to life.

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Want to get rolling? Read Kickstart Your Memoir: 12 Writing Prompts to Bring Your Story to Life

Need some help to get started? Or do you want to talk with an experienced writer about where you’re at in writing your memoir?

Contact Us for a Free No Obligation Consultation Call

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What we’ve done and what we do for clients.

Why Your Business Story Isn’t Resonating: 5 Tasks to Improve Success


When business owners and professionals write or talk about their companies, several mistakes commonly weaken their story. Here are five critical errors to be aware of (and how to avoid or correct them):

  1. Lack of Focus: Often, they are so enthusiastic they try to convey too many messages at once. This can overwhelm the reader or listener and dilute the core message.
  2. Overuse of Jargon: Industry-specific terminology can alienate a broader audience who may not be familiar with the terms.
  3. Ignoring the Audience: Business owners and professionals sometimes write and speak from their own perspectives without considering what their audience needs or wants to know.
  4. Lack of Evidence: Claims made about the business or its products need to be substantiated. Failure to provide evidence or data to back up statements can erode credibility or show the lack of it.
  5. Inconsistency: Whether it’s inconsistency in tone, message, or branding, mixed signals can confuse the audience and appear unprofessional.

Each of these mistakes has its own set of ramifications that can affect how a business or the professional is perceived. Understanding and eliminating them can aid in crafting a more effective, engaging, and credible narrative.

Here’s how to avoid or correct those issues:

  1. Achieve Focus Through Planning: Before you write or speak, plan what you want to convey and to whom. Create an outline and identify the key message you want to communicate. Stick to this guide to maintain focus. Clear, focused communication is more effective.
  2. Simplify Language and Explain Terms: While industry jargon may be second nature to you, it may not be for your audience. Use simple language and explain industry terms or acronyms the first time they appear. This will help engage a broader audience and make your content more inclusive.
  3. Know Your Audience and Speak to Them: To avoid ignoring the needs or interests of your audience, research who they are and what they want to know. Craft your message to answer their questions or solve their problems. Use examples, case studies, or scenarios that would resonate with them to make your points clearer.
  4. Back Claims with Evidence: To substantiate any claims or statements, include relevant data, statistics, or examples. Cite reputable sources wherever possible to lend credibility to your message. If you are discussing the success of your product or service, use testimonials or reviews from satisfied customers.
  5. Maintain a Consistent Tone and Message: Before publishing or sharing any content or speaking… review to ensure it aligns with your brand voice and message. Consistency aids audience comprehension and strengthens brand identity. Create a style guide for all communication channels. It’s crucial to maintain a consistent narrative.

Incorporating these into your business writing and speaking can pay off in more effective communication, increased credibility, and a better connection with your audience.

THE 12 STEPS To Boundaryless Success



From the depths of my life’s path of growing up with few resources and little hope; building success only to watch it almost all crumble; fully recovering from a brain tumor and a paralyzed arm; and surviving a private plane crash, I understand how life often presents people with two choices: stay stuck or find a way forward. My journey as an overcomer has given me a gift: the opportunity to lead others to live hopeful, expectant lives that realize their purposes. Reflecting on my journey and experiences, I realize there is no roadmap to success. No road signs in life tell you which route to take. Discover your own. The good news is you can learn how to do just that. Reading this book will help you find the path leading to your version of success. –Brett Oubre, THE 12 STEPS To Boundaryless Success.

“Success is an innate desire, yet it eludes many in life. My experience has taught me that life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Brett K. Oubre has discovered valuable success principles through personal and professional hardships that will inspire everyday people who feel stuck in the middle to attain unimaginable success. 12 Steps to Boundaryless Success will provide real, relevant, and practical steps to achieving goals and obtaining success.” —John C. Maxwell

“Knowing Brett K. Oubre for several decades, I have witnessed his ability to move forward and his desire to lead others with him. Brett passionately believes success is a process, not just an event or a couple of attempts. Success requires a series of deliberate steps leading to goal accomplishments and well-being. 12 Steps to Boundaryless Success is a game changer. It is an exciting, highly engageable read outlining the execution you need to find your way forward! Now that you’ve taken the first step (by reading the book) make the commitment to follow these life-changing concepts.” —Bryan Flanagan, CEO, Flanagan Training Group, Former Director of Corporate Training, Zig Ziglar

PROFILES IN CHARACTER: Sixteen Americans and the Traits That Defined Them


(paperback coming end of September 2023)

Under Our FORTIS imprint.

Fortis - nonfiction imprint logo (png)

PROFILES IN CHARACTER delves into individual character attributes that shaped and informed these sixteen Americans in their vital roles in history. What singular attribute gave each of them the strength to take monumental risks for a cause or a belief? Was it an early childhood experience? A family dynamic or role model? Their faith? Readers can glean the difficulty in the life paths these individuals chose—one that threatened high risk and promised high rewards, though not for themselves. That is a true measure of character.

These thirteen men and three women made or changed history. While they are widely revered and respected, none had a perfect life path, but each had strong character. They likely had outside influences that shaped them. Still, each could summon and rely on one unique character trait that guided them to make decisions and take actions that ultimately defined them and their legacies.

Chapter One – Thomas Jefferson: The Persuasive Pen of the American Revolution

Chapter Two – George Washington: Answering the Call of Duty

Chapter Three – Robert E. Lee: Abiding Loyalty to Virginia

Chapter Four – Abraham Lincoln: Empathetic Reconciler of the Painful Divide

Chapter Five – Harriet Tubman: Audacious Emancipator

Chapter Six – Frederick Douglass: Fearless in the Fight for Freedom

Chapter Seven – Susan B. Anthony: Unwavering Commitment to a Higher Calling

Chapter Eight – Theodore Roosevelt: The Eternal Optimist

Chapter Nine – Amelia Earhart: A Competitive Spirit

Chapter Ten – Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Confidence in Times of Crisis

Chapter Eleven – Dwight D. Eisenhower: Full Accountability

Chapter Twelve – Harry S. Truman: Courage Alone to Decide Mankind’s Future

Chapter Thirteen – Jonas Salk: Altruism for All Humanity

Chapter Fourteen – Martin Luther King Jr.: Lifting Others Through Love

Chapter Fifteen – Ronald Reagan:A Vision of Peace for Our Times

Chapter Sixteen – Billy Graham: Unifying People Around the World

Watch Your Step(s)

Have you ever been told to watch your step?

That’s certainly good advice in certain circumstances and in most walks–no pun intended–of life.

Did you know 12 Steps can help you remove limitations you place on yourself; that, if followed, can lead you to the levels of success you once only imagined?

Watch for more information about those steps in one of our upcoming nonfiction titles.


“Wouldn’t take nothing for my journey now.” ―Maya Angelou, Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now

HARKEN ‘Lost Art’ Cologne [Story Development]

HARKEN–in part–is about the search for a lost trove of art. To complement the suspense thriller story, we’re creating the ‘undiscovered’ artwork. Each painting is found in a specific location and setting relevant to where the story takes the audience. The first was Amsterdam; the second for Barcelona, and the above for Cologne.

Here’s the root prompt I gave my graphics person to add to and create the second ‘piece of art.’

A professor in 1600s Cologne at the University of Cologne writes on a sheet of parchment under a lighted lamp in the style of Hendrick Terbrugghen.

The images are the examples received. We’ll select one to represent that ‘piece of art,’ and apply effects to give it a ‘cracked-oil-painting’ look to age it. The ‘art’ will then be incorporated into the story development and writing.


Our next nonfiction title (coffee-table-style 8.5×11) coming Autumn 2023.

Character is the unique set of moral and ethical qualities that define what you believe in, what you stand for, and what you expect of yourself and others. This book focuses on one dominant character trait that drove the success of these sixteen historic American figures and one unique attribute that influenced them above all others. These sixteen were famous for their decisions, accomplishments, or leadership. But that is not why they are included in this book.

Each made decisions at great personal risk or lived a life of selfless sacrifice. Some exhibited a consistent and enduring belief that informed their decision-making and commitment to that decision; the resulting action had worldwide and historical consequences. Some lived their entire lives serving others over themselves; in so doing, they influenced generations of people.

  • Chapter One – Thomas Jefferson: The Persuasive Pen of the American Revolution
  • Chapter Two – George Washington: Answering the Call of Duty
  • Chapter Three – Robert E. Lee: Abiding Loyalty to Virginia
  • Chapter Four – Abraham Lincoln: Empathetic Reconciler of the Painful Divide
  • Chapter Five – Harriet Tubman: Audacious Emancipator
  • Chapter Six – Frederick Douglass: Fearless in the Fight for Freedom
  • Chapter Seven – Susan B. Anthony: Unwavering Commitment to a Higher Calling
  • Chapter Eight – Theodore Roosevelt: The Eternal Optimist
  • Chapter Nine – Amelia Earhart: A Competitive Spirit
  • Chapter Ten – Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Confidence in Times of Crisis
  • Chapter Eleven – Dwight D. Eisenhower: Full Accountability
  • Chapter Twelve – Harry S. Truman: Courage Alone to Decide Mankind’s Future
  • Chapter Thirteen – Jonas Salk: Altruism for All Humanity
  • Chapter Fourteen – Martin Luther King Jr.: Lifting Others Through Love
  • Chapter Fifteen – Ronald Reagan: A Vision of Peace for Our Times
  • Chapter Sixteen – Billy Graham: Unifying People Around the World

Reflections On 23 Years In Business

“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth…”

My company Adducent celebrates its 23rd birthday on July 5, 2023, and what a journey it’s been. It started on a single path… then a fork in the road offered a choice between two. Had I not taken the one I chose, I would never have had the challenge of a project like the one mentioned in the client endorsement below and the joy and reward of its completion and the client’s satisfaction.

Story development and ghostwriting client endorsement of Dennis Lowery and Adducent.

I have been a business owner since 1993 and worked in them full-time since January 2, 1996. I founded Adducent in 2000 as a management and consulting firm. Over the next 8+ years, I worked with M&A attorneys, investment bankers, and business owners on management, planning, and growth through acquisition. That led to business writing, which led to a book (to support my consulting) that led to my contacts asking for help to finish and publish their books. I did; others asked for similar support, and some asked me to ghostwrite their book. This unplanned sideline grew to supplant my consulting. That brought me to the fork in the road.

“Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same…”

“And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.”

I chose the one less traveled (writing and publishing were a new business to me) but one I knew I’d enjoy more. In 2009, writing and publishing became Adducent’s focus. Since then, we’ve assisted dozens of clients and helped publish 89 titles for a spectrum of people: generals, admirals, military veterans, senators, government officials, executives, entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 CEOs, chairmen of multi-billion-dollar companies, doctors, artists, lawyers, university professors, and retired agents and officers in the intelligence community.

Along the way, I’ve also written a lot of nonfiction and fiction. My own and for clients… approaching three million words worth: (37 books ghostwritten for clients: 14 nonfiction, 9 memoirs, and 14 fiction). Two projects for clients (creative nonfiction and a novel) have been optioned for screenplay development. A third (mentioned in the screen-captured client comment above) is in development with a screenwriter/producer team.


“I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I…

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.”

Robert Frost

Client Comment on Adducent’s 23rd Year In Business
ADDUCENT - Writing-Ghostwriting-Publishing 250113
What we’ve done and what we do for clients.

HARKEN ‘Lost Art’ Barcelona [Story Development]

HARKEN–in part–is about the search for a lost trove of art. To complement the suspense thriller story, we’re creating the ‘undiscovered’ artwork. Each painting is found in a specific location and setting relevant to where the story takes the audience. The first was Amsterdam; the above images are for Barcelona.

Here’s the root prompt I gave my graphics person to add to and create the second ‘piece of art.’

A man in 1600s Barcelona standing on a pier in front of a sailing ship at sunset in the style of a Dutch Master.

The images are the examples received. We’ll select one to represent that ‘piece of art,’ and apply effects to give it a ‘cracked-oil-painting’ look to age it. The ‘art’ will then be incorporated into the story development and writing.

HARKEN ‘Lost Art’ Amsterdam [Story Development]

One of our fiction stories in work—HARKEN, a suspense thriller—involves, in part, the search for a lost trove of art from some of the Dutch Masters. So I thought it would be cool to develop the previously ‘undiscovered’ artwork to include in the story.

Here’s the root prompt I gave my graphics team to create the first ‘piece of art’ (for Amsterdam). [Note: the exact prompts developed and used are more detailed and precise.]

Woman with a lighted lantern on a canal at night in Amsterdam in the style of a Dutch Master.

The images above are the examples received. We’ll apply effects or a filter to give it a ‘cracked-oil-painting’ look to age it.